Why can't I wear a back support belt all the time?

Q: I'm using a back support belt for my intense low back pain. It helps so much. Why can't I wear it all the time?

A: While asupport belt can improve your posture and limit your movements, which can help calm pain, it is not a good idea to wear it “all the time”. If you wear the brace all the time, the muscles in your abdomen and lower back start to rely on it and eventually they atrophy, meaningthey get weaker and smaller. Below we will share some tips and tools to help you balance wearing your back brace while supporting healthy low back pain management. 

Maximizing the Benefits of Back Support Belts: Tips to Manage Low Back Pain

Back support belts (back brace) provide support, improve posture, and limit certain movements, which can be helpful in calming pain. However, the question that often arises is, "Can I wear my back support belt all the time?" In this article, we'll explore the pros and cons of using back support belts and provide guidance on how to strike the right balance between support and muscle health. We will also delve into essential stretches and movements to decrease back pain and limit muscle atrophy, along with recommendations for the duration of brace usage during the day and nighttime strategies for pain relief.

A common cause of lower back pain is lumbar muscle strains and ligament sprains. These acute injuries often resolve in 4-6 weeks but can become chronic leading to other more serious conditions. Degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis may lead to more significant symptoms that can radiate into butt or leg causing pain. Learn more about these conditions and more in our lower back support resource section.

The Pros and Cons of Back Support Belts

Back braces can be beneficial during the rehabilitation process. However, it is one component in a comprehensive treatment plan. A back brace is not a replacement for active rehab. 

Proper Use of Back Support Belts: Back support belts are designed to provide stability to the lower back. Support belts work by creating abdominal pressure, which, in turn, eases the pressure around painful structures in the lower back. They can help to improve posture by reducing spinal pressure in seated and standing. Improved alignment helps decrease pain. A support belt can, reduce excessive and painful movements which helps the healing process. Added support can assist you during daily tasks such as lifting and carrying that may otherwise cause pain. Support belts are also easy to wear. They can be worn under or on top of clothing and are easily adjustable.When used correctly, they can be an effective tool in managing acute and chronic pain.

The Pitfalls of Overreliance: While back support belts offer immediate relief, the risk lies in overusing them. Wearing the brace all the time can lead to muscle deconditioning and eventually muscle atrophy – a weakening and shrinking of the abdominal and lower back muscles. This dependency on external support can make your condition worse in the long run.

We are often asked if wearing a back brace can cause stomach problems? A back brace compresses the abdomen creating pressure and can cause discomfort or bloating. Braces are adjustable so you want to ensure that you are fitted for the proper size, learn the right position, and proper tension. 

Finding the Right Balance While Wearing a Back Brace

To maximize the benefits of a back support belt and minimize the risks, it's essential to follow a balanced approach.

Consult a Healthcare Professional: Always seek guidance from a healthcare provider or physiotherapist to determine the appropriate duration and usage of your back support belt. They will provide personalized recommendations based on your condition. If you are asking yourself do back braces work? Yes, they are a great way to help acute lower back pain however, they should not be the only step you are taking to decrease lower back pain. 

You can book an appointment online with one of our Physiotherapists here.

If you are looking for a great daytime back brace, we recommend the Bauerfind LordoLoc® Back Brace. It is a great daytime brace with light support to help you manage long term lower back pain. Another great option is the Corflex Disc Unloader. It is intended for acute and  chronic low back pain, degenerative discs, post-surgical rehab, and a magnitude of low back strains and sprains. 

Gradual Reduction of Usage: As your pain subsides, gradually reduce the time you spend wearing the brace. This allows your muscles to gradually regain strength and reduces the risk of atrophy.

Incorporate Stretches and Exercises: Combining your back support belt usage with specific stretches and exercises is crucial. These movements help maintain muscle strength, flexibility, and prevent atrophy. Here are some effective exercises:

  • Pelvic tilts
  • Cat-cow stretches
  • Bird-dog exercises
  • Bridge exercises
  • Planks

Consult your healthcare provider or physiotherapist for a customized exercise routine tailored to your needs.

Optimizing Back Brace Usage

Daytime Usage: Generally, it's recommended to wear your back support belt during activities that may exacerbate your pain, such as lifting heavy objects or prolonged periods of sitting. Your healthcare provider will advise you on the appropriate duration for daytime usage.

Nighttime Strategies: At night, opt for a comfortable mattress and sleeping position that supports your back. Consider using pillows like Pillowise Pillow, found here or cushions strategically to maintain proper spinal alignment. If your pain is severe at night, your healthcare provider may recommend a specific sleep posture or a nighttime brace.

Back support belts can be invaluable tools for managing intense low back pain, but they should be used judiciously and in conjunction with other strategies to maintain muscle health and overall well-being. Consult with your healthcare provider or physiotherapist to create a personalized plan that combines brace usage, exercises, and nighttime strategies. By finding the right balance, you can effectively manage your low back pain and pave the way for a healthier, pain-free future. Remember, your journey to recovery is unique, and professional guidance is essential in making the best choices for your back health.

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