Registered Massage Therapist + Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner
Ozy graduated with honours in 2012 from the Massage Therapy program at Bryan College of Applied Health and Business Sciences in Toronto. As well, he holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education from the University of Matanzas in Matanzas, Cuba. He is a Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner and a member of the CSMTA (Canadian Sports Massage Therapist Association). He has been involved with different sporting events, such as the PanAm games as a member of the Track and Field medical team.
Since 2016 he has been working as a therapist with the Canadian National Track Cycling Team in Canada as well as travelling to several international competitions, the highlight being the 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan.
When not working at Honsberger he is teaching the new generation of massage therapists in a career college.
As an avid sports enthusiast himself, you will find him cycling, running, playing soccer or baseball several times a week or attending new massage courses to help his clients reach the results they deserve.